Our Life In Chapters

Our Life In Chapters

When we read a novel, we expect characters to change. If a character at the end of a journey is the same as when they started then it was a pretty lousy journey. Every good story has change and conflict scattered throughout to test the characters and build them into people worth reading about. These stages of growth are signalled through chapters.

There is a book written in reality too: the story of our lives, and we are writing it every day. To make this book into an interesting story, it helps to think what chapter we are living in and let that guide our focus. Here are three ways to do this.

First, remember that we cannot stay in this chapter forever. There are more hurdles to overcome, more giants to battle and more riches to discover. We were not supposed to stay stagnant here. You will eventually graduate, drift away from friends and live independently. And indeed, despite the uncertainty, you will need to.

Second, remember that this chapter exists for a reason. Whatever lesson this chapter is supposed to teach us – love, learning, suffering, discipline – it plays a role in the larger story. This chapter might be entirely different to a previous chapter. It might even feel you are writing a tangent, a dumb side plot or ruining the progress you’ve made earlier. No matter. Good journeys are rarely linear but often messy and random. Change course if you so desire but keep on writing.

And lastly, recognise when a chapter is coming to an end. A graduation, a promotion, a new job, a marriage, a death – these are all daunting but necessary transitions. No interesting character can come about in safe seclusion. Step forthrightly into your new adventure.

And maybe, at the end, we will have something worth reading about.

2 thoughts on “Our Life In Chapters

  1. I really love this post Eric. Have been finding it hard to embrace all the endings that come with new things beginning, but this is a really nice perspective on it.

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