The Parable of the Two Monks and a Woman

The Parable of the Two Monks and a Woman

A senior monk and a junior monk were walking together when they encountered a rushing river. As they were preparing to cross, they saw a young woman also attempting to get past. The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side. The two monks hesitated because they had taken vows not to touch a woman.

Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on with his journey.

The younger monk was stunned at what he had witnessed but said nothing for many miles. Finally, after several hours, he confronted the older monk.

“As monks, we are not allowed to touch a woman, how could you then carry her on your shoulders?”

The older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”

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