Biomed: Recap

Biomed: Recap

February 2017

“Remember to call us, okay? And remember to eat eggs. Eggs are good for you.”

My mother studies my face hard and I smile back at her. A few weeks ago, I made the decision to accept my Bachelor of Biomedicine offer from Melbourne University. Since I grew up in Perth, this decision meant moving out to a city I’d never been to before, away from my family and the shelter I’d grown up in for 18 years. In my smile, I try to hide my nervousness for the uncertain road ahead, but I suspect mum sees past it.

“Of course, mum – I’ll see you in a few months. I love you.”

After a long hug, I wave my mother off as she departs back to Perth, leaving me behind in Melbourne for me to begin a new chapter: University.


That day marked the beginning of my Undergraduate journey, which quickly swept me off my feet. Juggling Biomed’s study load, adulthood, a reasonable social life and extra-curriculars was both exhilarating and exhausting, never seeming to stop. Having recently graduated, marking an official end to this whirlwind (until the next degree), it feels strange to draw the curtains on this chapter. As for all good things, I find it helpful to reflect briefly on the time that has passed, so here we go.

Like a long-winded anime, various ‘arcs’ were played out throughout the 3 years of my degree. These included the chaotic GAMSAT and medicine interview preparation arcs as well as the more structured semester arcs (upper limb anatomy, you still haunt my nightmares). Amazingly, I’ve realised that throughout every single arc, I’ve had the opportunity to meet brilliant and caring individuals who I somehow now have the privilege to call my friends. To the friends whose paths have aligned with mine and have shaped this chapter of Biomed, thank you. Whether you were with me in Immunology cram sessions, 400m repeats on the track, practicing GAMSAT essays or there in the background as a friendly face, you have added some magic to the great and terrible days and I am grateful for you all.

No doubt, Biomed brought along its fair share of challenges which forced me to adapt. These adaptations include appreciating the importance of sleep, listening to lectures at 2x speed and training my taste buds to tolerate my shockingly bland cooking. Writing also became an interesting adaptation for me and rapidly became an antidote to my more pronounced introversion. Though I haven’t really found a writing style, I’ve had fun jotting down random thoughts and experimenting with how to write them.

Biomed was also a harsh teacher and brought on challenges which I drastically failed, exposing my flaws in broad daylight. It is somewhat of a sad paradox that despite having graduated from supposedly one of the most competitive courses in Australia, I feel like I know even less than when I came in. Perhaps this illustrates a recognition of my profound arrogance coming out of high school, but there is no doubt in my mind about it now: this world we inhabit and these bodies we possess are amazing and I know so incredibly little about it all. As this chapter of Biomed draws to a close, I am excited to explore whole new worlds as the next chapter in Medicine slowly draws open its curtains.

As 2020 brings on new challenges and friendships for everyone, here’s to many more magical times filled with awe, wonder and laughter.

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