Trusting Your Wings

Trusting Your Wings

Birds sitting on a tree aren’t worried about a branch breaking.

If it breaks, they just fly away.

Their trust is not on the branch, but in their own wings.

In anything with inherent risk – investing, starting a company or asking someone out – paralysis analysis can run rampant. It can be easy to envision possible doom-and-gloom scenarios which halt one from starting at all.

But on closer inspection, the root problem isn’t that the risk is dangerous, but more that we don’t trust ourselves to survive if all hell breaks loose.

We have all overcome hardships. You being alive today and understanding this sentence is a biological miracle. Your lived experience has made you into an intelligent, adaptable force. Your sufferings have strengthened you in unimaginable ways.

Why not trust the wings that have sprouted from them, as birds trust in theirs?

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