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Month: July 2022

The Demons We Hide Musings

The Demons We Hide

Mild plot spoilers for “The Shining” ahead.

I recently finished reading Stephen King’s The Shining. It left a deep impression on me, not because of the intense “scary” moments, but rather the protagonist’s slow decline into madness.

The main character, Jack Torrance, is by most standards an ordinary guy. He’s trying to provide for his family, hoping to finish a creative project and has a bit of a drinking problem. Nothing too remarkable. He’s actually a pretty likeable character at the start of the book.

The most terrifying parts of The Shining aren’t the “scary scenes” – the woman in the tub or the Grady twins or the ending catastrophe, but rather the slow decline of our Jack Torrance into madness. Jack’s character is terrifying because he is completely relatable. Don’t we all want to provide for our loved ones? Don’t we all have a bit of a (drinking) problem? Don’t we all have a secret ambition? If Jack couuld slowly lose his mind, we most certainly could too. And although The Outlook Hotel – the setting of the book – doesn’t exist in reality, it exists metaphorically. We know there are environments that bring out our inner temptations and demons. It might be a certain group of people, or a drug, or a venue that brings out a side of you that you don’t like. We understand their destructive power and keep a careful distance from them.

We are all capable of immense, catastrophic harm. Our feet can kick, run and break ribs. Our hands can punch, shove and send terrible texts. And we’ve all experienced the potential for a few precise words to tear down another’s self esteem. With all that can go wrong, it’s a miracle that most of us generally behave quite civilly.

But deep down, I think we all recognise our inner demons. Although to others we smile and look innocent, we know that sometimes – most of the time – we are barely holding it together. We know that we are often just on the brink of insanity and that it takes enormous effort not to ruin our lives and to keep our demons locked up every day.

Stephen King understood this. And that is why The Shining, which describes a story where the demons win, where we lose control by just a little too much, is so terrifying.

“Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside of us, and sometimes, they win.” – Stephen King, The Shining.

Credits: Stephen King

Why You Should Do That Thing Musings

Why You Should Do That Thing

You know – that thing.

1. Nobody really cares if you fail.

2. Your contributions are worthwhile (more than you think).

3. The pain of discipline and uncertainty is nothing compared to the pain of regret.

4. Our lives are a compilation of nows. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Procrastination is the thief of time.

5. You will learn so much – far more than your wildest dreams.

6. It would make a great story.

7. What if it can turn out better than you can imagine?

Credits: Marcin Mikołajczak, Children’s Courage

Ripples Musings


Ripples, by Danielle Doby:


when you create a difference
in someone’s life
you not only impact their life
you impact everyone influenced by them
throughout their entire lifetime

no act is ever too small

one by one
this is how to make an ocean rise

Mark Twain once told a story about a man who scoured the planet looking for the greatest general who ever lived. When the man was informed that the person he sought had already died and gone to heaven, he made a trip to the Pearly Gates to look for him. When the man arrived, Saint Peter pointed at a regular-looking Joe. “That isn’t the greatest of all generals,” protested the man. “I knew that person when he lived on Earth, and he was only a cobbler.” “I know that,” said Saint Peter, “but if he had been a general, he would have been the greatest of them all.”

Credits: Andrew Judd, Illustration of Mature Man Sweeping Steps Leading to Sky