Some Hypotheses

Some Hypotheses

Here are five hypotheses of mine on life (will probably change in the future):

1. The point of a good book is to change the way you view the world and other people. If your views stay the same after finishing a book, it wasn’t meant for you.

2. Many of us severely underestimate the role of health on our happiness. If exercise often, eat clean and sleep well, that’s half of the game won. The rest includes moving towards a higher goal and having the freedom to do what you want, when you want (and probably more factors: TBC).

3. Most of the excuses we make: not enough time, not enough money, not enough knowledge, are just ways to avoid the real bottleneck: not enough courage. There is always a small step to be taken – if only we have the guts to do it.

4. Luck plays an enormous role in our successes but we often misattribute this to forward planning or being “excellent”. This is because it’s easier to accept that someone’s success came from something measurable like hard work, rather than something obscure like luck.

But we can often improve our odds for being lucky by increasing the number of ways luck can find us. If you’re 1% lucky and do 100 things, one of those pursuits is bound to have luck on its side. But if you only do one thing, you’ll almost definitely be unlucky.

5. Good intentions are not good enough. It’s not good enough to want to say something nice – you must say it. It’s not good enough to want to be a good student – you must prove it. It’s not good enough to want to stand up against injustice – you must take action. The world doesn’t know your intentions.

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