Agnosthesia: The Curse of Uncertainty
Recently, I came across this beautiful word from the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows:
n. the state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person—noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.
In a world full of noise and opinions, it is easy to feel lost in a void. From this void comes uncertainties, and over time these uncertainties begin to evolve and weigh on you until you are paralysed with the curse of not knowing. In these moments, it is tempting to put aside critical thought and resign to popular opinion.
However, perhaps we should consider alternatives to desperately filling this uncertainty, for while uncertainty is painful, it is also the mother of creativity. And the great thing about creativity is that one never knows where they might end up. One might uncover a profound realisation about themselves, or the people around them – a discovery that might make all uncertainty worth the struggle.
Thus, while agnosthesia seems like a curse, it might just be a blessing in disguise. That while defaulting to popular opinion seems enticing, perhaps wrestling with impossible questions is a better alternative to sacrificing critical thought. As O. Carl Simonton suggested,
In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope.
5 thoughts on “Agnosthesia: The Curse of Uncertainty”
We’re in 2023.I’m 21 years old.
Today, I’ve learned about agnosthesia. This discrib exactly the source of the many episodes of depression I’ve gone through the (almost) 15 past years. It changes nothing much actually but I can name it so I can hope for people to understand me.
Agnosthesia is horrible. I don’t even know if I love my girlfriend, my family or my best friends. As if I feelt nothing.
To end this very personal message that ‘ll probably be read by 3 strangers, I would say thank you for reading. It’s quit helpful to write about it, and maybe, help other people to feel less lonely.
Hello How to get rid of it ?
at first i wanted to ask someone, who did not felt that way for decades, about what they feel now if they would. but then realized that this will not change anything for me, how i feel, bad or good. because most people don’t even know who they are, as Bob Proctor stated. after all, feelings aren’t that important as logic of the actions. being like Spock from Star Trek. and emotions can always be played, but with logic you can differ things from one another. classify actions into two groups, good or bad, according to social expectations, then every group in two more, which will be good or bad for you and which will be good or bad for others, the ones you live with and the ones you don’t even know. at least i made such decisions in my own life and i don’t feel bad about being completely alone, loneliness is freedom. but you are not me, are you?
My name is Aden and I’m 18years of age I’m from Papua New Guinea. I grew up i living n different homes, I think I feel agnosthesia I need help I don’t know who else to ask please, this feeling is killing my emotions and how I interact with others, i don’t know what to feel.(Facebook:Aden pople)
My name is Aden and I’m 18years of age I’m from Papua New Guinea. I grew up i living n different homes, I think I feel agnosthesia I need help I don’t know who else to ask please, this feeling is killing my emotions and how I interact with others, i don’t know what to feel.